Programmed for cool content


Snippets of our latest robotic visual adventures, so far!



Our work-for-hire and commissioned projects encompass everything from show packages, promos, campaigns, and Network IDs for broadcast and digital platforms. And our robots barely broke a sweat! Actually they don’t sweat, they’re robots.


One Eyed Robot specializes in developing and producing turn-key original animated content for all platforms. We specialize in everything from series, branded content for web to animated feature films. We currently have several shows in various stages of development and production, feel free to contact us for more info.


Motion Graphics

Content Development

Game Development


Branded Content

Music Production

We’re animation artisans, and we’re dedicated to baking amazing content. And we’re robots too, did we mention that? So we basically never sleep


We are One Eyed Robot, a full-service animation studio and content production company based in  Atlanta. We specialize in delivering content in animation, motion graphics, and live action for clients that include TV networks, ad agencies and production companies across the country. We work with and for multinational brands such as Hasbro, Lego, Turner, SAP, and more. Our studio also develops original animated properties for film, television, digital as well as gaming. We’re programmed to create cool stuff and we’re your one stop solution for awesome original content!


Our crew of dedicated robots spanning the globe is always ready for action. Here are the brains of the robot, core of our leadership team who work to bring our clients the most amazing projects for a digitally connected world.

Yoram Benz

Founder – Creative Director

Yoram is an animation, motion graphics and TV veteran with twenty years of experience animating, directing and spearheading creative on major projects for TV Networks, Production Companies and Advertising Agencies nationwide. He has won top prizes at festivals worldwide including Best Animation, Best Character Design, Best in Show, and Gold at PromaxBDA. He was also an astronaut as a kid, proof in the photo above.

Matt Schwartz

Writer – Senior Producer

Matt has a broad range of experience in film production, television development, animation, and games, with previous roles at MTV Networks, Cartoon Network, and Adult Swim. As an independent writer, director, and producer, Matt has worked with clients both big and small. He also occasionally raps in parody music videos such as the YouTube hit, Straight Outta Gotham. Matt also moonlighted as a wizard in his early years.

The people who have trusted us so far


Let’s get in touch! Drop us a line for questions, comments or to discuss how we can help you on your next project!

+1 (404) 908-0588

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